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St Bernard Middle School Eagles

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Guiding Documents

St. Bernard Middle School



 The vision of St. Bernard Middle School is to become a reflective, focused, driven, and thus elite professional learning community that nurtures students and each other academically, emotionally, and socially to ensure a teaching and learning environment that fully prepares each student to be the top performers in high school and from there to be college and career ready.


St. Bernard Middle School promotes academic and social success for all students in a safe learning environment which fosters the appreciation of lifelong learning and community involvement.

Student Handbook


When a student at St. Bernard Middle is injured and the injury is deemed to be of a serious nature, the following plan will go into effect:  The principal, assistant principal, or nurse on site will examine the student’s injury.  THE STUDENT IS NOT TO BE MOVED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.  Emergency first aid will be administered to offer temporary relief for the person injured.  The student’s parents will be called.  If a serious injury is suspected, paramedics will also be called.


School attendance plays an important role in the educational success of our students.  According to the St. Bernard Parish School Board attendance policy, a student who misses more than 14 days, excused or unexcused, in a school year will not be promoted to the next grade.  Incentive programs are in place at the school level to encourage students to achieve 95% or higher attendance rate.  Please make every effort to be present each day.

Students who are absent are required to make up work missed in each class.  If a student is out for only one or two days, upon return to school, he/she is responsible to find out the work missed and complete missed assignments.  Students will be given sufficient time to complete and hand in these assignments.  It is the responsibility of the student and the parents to see that the work is completed.

When a student is going to be absent from school, even for just a day, parents must notify the school office before 9:00 A.M. on the day the child is absent.  In the case of a prolonged absence (three or more days), parents should call the office before 9:00 A.M. for missed class work and homework so that the work can be prepared and ready for pickup at dismissal time.  Based on the number of days absent and the amount of work missed, a reasonable amount of time will be allowed for its completion.

The school strongly discourages family vacations/trips during the school year.  If the parent chooses to remove a child for this reason, assignments will not be given ahead of time.  No tests or nine-week benchmarks (exams) will be rescheduled unless there is a documented medical reason or an emergency.

Please refer to the St. Bernard Parish School Board "Guide to Student Conduct" for any further clarification regarding student attendance.


The St. Bernard Middle School Eagle Code is as follows: Be responsible, respectful, and positive.

These expectations will be taught explicitly at the beginning of the year, and students are required to follow them throughout the year.


The cafeteria provides a well-balanced breakfast and lunch choice each day.  Our school participates in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program.  This program provides one breadfast and one lunch each school day to all students enrolled in the schools listed.  Free or reduced price lunch applications are still to be filled out at the beginning of the school year and may be obtained from the Main Office on campus.  If a student would like to puchase additional items, the prices are as follows:

Breakfast:  $.60        reduced:  $.30                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lunch:  $1.50            reduced:  $.40                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Juice:  $.35                Milk:  $.35

*Students cannot charge more than $10.00 without payment being made. 

**Students who select not to participate in teh school lunch program must bring their own lunch.  Parents should not deliver these lunches to the school.  Of course there will be days when students forget lunch, and parents must bring it; however, daily deliveries are not allowed.  Outside foods that compete with the cafeteria are not allowed.  This includes pre-prepared, hot commercial foods with labels such as, McDonald’s, Canes, etc. Students DO NOT have access to refrigerators, hot plates, microwaves, etc. Prepare an appropriate lunch accordingly. It should also be noted that large or family sized bags of chips or snacks (anything with a serving size over 1) are NOT allowed.


Act 861 of Louisiana Law defines bullying as:

A pattern of:

written, electronic or verbal communications that threaten harm,
obscene gestures, taunting or malicious teasing,
persistent shunning or excluding a student, or
physical harm, such as hitting, pushing or damaging personal property.

If a child feels the need to report an incident of bullying, they can go to the school counselor or the Office of Student Services.


Walk quickly and form single lines on either side of the cafeteria.  Student ID’s must be worn on collar (as per dress code) so that lines will move faster.  Students without a proper ID will be sent to the end of line.  If a student does not have an ID by dismissal to the lunch yard, students will remain in the cafeteria for the second half of lunch.  After receiving a meal, students will be directed to the next available seat by the teacher on duty.  DO NOT LINGER TO WAIT FOR FRIENDS OR SKIP SEATS. Using good table manners will provide a pleasant atmosphere for everyone.  Good table manners EXCLUDE loud talking, playing with food, or other disruptive behavior.  When students have finished eating, they will be dismissed by table; they must pick up trash/mess around them, tuck chairs in, properly empty and stack trays, and follow the dismissal procedures required of teachers on duty.


Students are expected to follow the guidelines set forth in the "Guide to Student Conduct" at all times, but the following should be noted.  Students should always take the quickest approved route to their next location.  Students who “take the long way” will be considered loitering; this is not allowed.  When walking in the halls, students should keep to the right. Students should move promptly from one class to another and to and from lunch.   Excessive noise should always be avoided.  Running, horseplay, or other aggressive behavior in the lunch yard, court yards, hallways, and bus loading area is not allowed at any time.  Public displays of affection are not allowed.  Display good manners at all times.  Students are only allowed to use their lockers before homeroom, before lunch, and after end of day dismissal.  When doing so, they should avoid banging locker doors.  This causes damage to the doors and disturbs nearby classes. Students who are observed displaying any of the following actions will be corrected immediately and their behavior will be documented on a Class I referral form.


Students are to be dropped off and picked up by the main entrance of the school.  Parents must adhere to the one way street regulations.  Cars enter through the gates by the baseball field and exit gates near the library.  Students must not be dropped off prior to 7:35 A.M.  Students must be picked up in the same location, and parents must arrive in carline no later than 3:05.  Parents must follow the posted signs and not block the passage way at the front of the school at any time of the day.   


Students are expected to care for school property as if it was their own.  This includes any equipment, books, restrooms, furniture, etc.  School property that is lost or damaged must be paid for by the student who is responsible. Keep school grounds litter-free. Trash cans are never far away. Pick up litter, even if you did not throw it down.  Our custodians and cafeteria ladies clean the school daily, but are not here to clean and pick up behind anyone who does not pick up his/her own mess.  Please take pride in yourself and your school.  Do your share to keep it clean.


The school must be notified immediately of any address or phone number change.  All new information should be submitted in writing to the main office.  Also, please be on the lookout for phone messages that come from the administration here at SBM.  These messages are used to update parents on events/happenings in a timely matter.


Students are offered individual and group counseling.  Students are always welcome to consult the counselor regarding individual concerns.  Similarly, parent requests are welcome.  Students may also be referred to outside agencies when deemed necessary.


The curriculum at St. Bernard Middle School determines the plan for learning.  The subjects offered are those required by the Louisiana BESE (Board of Elementary and Secondary Education) as well as those considered important for the total growth of our students.  The content of required subjects follows the parish and state curriculum guidelines.

Required Subjects:

Reading/Language Arts            


Social Studies


Elective Subjects:



Physical Education

Quest for Success



After school detentions (Administrative Detentions) are required to be served on the assigned date.  Students are given at least 24-hours’ notice and should arrange for transportation home.  Administrative Detention Slips serve as parent notification, and it is the student’s responsibility to get this slip signed and returned to the Office of Student Services.  Administrative detentions are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05 to 4:05.  Parents must arrange for a ride home for their student.  Not having a ride will not be excused.  Failure to serve the detention on the assigned date will result in a Saturday Detention.  Students who do not have permission to serve will not be allowed to stay and will be counted as skipping.  Parent’s give their child permission by signing the detention slip. Thus, failure to get the slip signed will also result in a Saturday Detention.  If the student is absent on the day of the detention, it must be served on the first detention date of his/her return.  It is the student’s responsibility to get this detention rescheduled. Again, administrative detentions will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05 to 4:05. However, this does not mean that teachers cannot hold their own detentions on any day of the week. 

Saturday Detentions are held up to twice a month on dates to be announced from 8 am to 10 am.  Students should arrive ten minutes early in full uniform, including ID.  Please note that Saturday Detentions are given in lieu of suspensions, and parents are responsible for getting their child to Saturday Detentions on time.  Not having a ride will not be excused.  Arrangements must be made.  Skipped Saturday Detentions may result in a suspension.


Devices/toys are not allowed on campus. If a student is found to be in possession of devices and/or toys, it will be confiscated and parents will have to come and pick it up. If a student is found to be in possession of these type of devices more than once, it will be confiscated again and the student will have an automatic administrative after school detention.


Through our Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) System, all students are commended for the good choices they make.  Students earn “Eagle Bucks” for positive behavior and may spend them at our reward store called “The Eagles’ Nest” or save them for prize drawings.  Each teacher has a classroom behavior plan that correlates with our disciplinarian’s school plan.  Consequences for the wrong choices are geared for teaching students the benefits of making the right ones.  Please see “The Guide to Student Conduct” for district and state policies on discipline, but it should be noted that it is school policy that NO student who receives three suspensions will be allowed to participate in any extra-curricular sports or activities. Additionally, students who are found to be participating in disruptive/adverse behavior outside of school in their school uniform may be subject to disciplinary action.


In the interest of safety, those students who ride the bus are to stand away from the curb in the bus loading area while waiting to board the bus.  Students are to wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before stepping off the curb to board the bus.  Students are to form a single-file line without pushing when boarding the bus.  Students shall not run at the bus loading zone and must wait under the breezeway and in their assigned section, behind the yellow caution zone to load.


Prescription drugs are administered in a controlled environment by a nurse or trained staff member.  If a child requires medication of any kind during school hours, parents should contact the Health Services Office (200 E. St. Bernard Hwy.) between 8:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. to complete the necessary documents 504.301.2000.  In addition to unauthorized prescription drugs, over-the-counter medication is prohibited on campus. Students found with any of this in their possession will be subject to disciplinary action.


The St. Bernard Parish School Board requires that students appear at school in full school approved uniform and groomed in an appropriate manner consistent with the "Guide to Student Conduct".  For the full description of the St. Bernard Parish School System dress code please visit this link: 

As a part of the uniform, students are required to wear their official student identification cards at all times.  IDs are to be worn on the shirt collar, facing forward, and must not be defaced or damaged in any way (no stickers, writing, or coloring).  A student’s first ID and clip are provided for free, but replacement IDs are 5.00. Solid colored socks must be worn and socks must match. Crew socks are recommended.  Any article of clothes, accessories (personalized name plates may not exceed two inches), hairstyles, or makeup determined by the principal, assistant principal, or teachers to be directly or indirectly disruptive to the learning process will not be allowed.  It is important to remember that a modest appearance is the determining factor of appropriateness of middle school dress. 

Agendas are considered part of the school uniform. Please refer to the St. Bernard Parish Public School’s “Guide to Student Conduct” for specific uniform requirements.  Other requirements are at the principal’s discretion.  When students are given permission for “Free Dress,” they must follow specific guidelines, including jeans that fit properly and are without holes or tears, skirts and dresses that fall below the knee, full shirts with sleeves, shoes with a front and back, boots below the knee.  They may not wear miniskirts, jogging pants, capris, shorts, pajamas, clothing with inappropriate sayings, or portrayal of violence or profanity, sleeveless shirts, spaghetti straps or tanks, flip flops, open-toe shoes, slippers, or hats of any kind.  Modesty is key, and students who don’t follow these guidelines won’t be allowed to participate.  For after-hours events such as dances, students must follow those guidelines set forth for each event. All dress code guidelines are at the administration’s discretion. Team/club jackets are only to be worn by members who are in good standing.


An award ceremony is conducted at the end of each nine-weeks grading period.  Students are recognized for their outstanding effort in one or more subject areas, the Principal's honor roll, the Merit honor roll, perfect attendance, Soaring Eagle award, #1 Club award, Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS), and Accelerated Reading rewards. 


Each nine-week grading period, one student from each grade level is chosen as St. Bernard Middle School’s outstanding student.  These students are chosen by a consensus of their teachers who look for well-rounded candidates demonstrating excellence in many areas, such as consistent academic effort and school spirit.


CLEVER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Clever is an easy way for children to log in and learn with all of the online programs they use at school.  With their own personal portals, students can learn with resources selected by their teacher and district.  St. Bernard Middle uses Clever so our students can have all of their digital resources in one place.  Clever also eliminates the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords.

The link for our Clever site can be found by visiting the Quick Links on our school website.  Your student's username and password will be given to them by their homeroom teacher.


To be allowed to participate in all eighth grade activities, including the promotional ceremony, students must follow the rules set forth by the school.  These will be given out in enough time to prepare, and include, but are not limited to strict guidelines for dress and behavior.  Also, it is important to note that students must attend the rehearsal to participate in and/or attend the ceremony. While all students have the right to obtain their credits and be promoted to the ninth grade, participating in the promotional ceremony is a privilege that can be taken away for unjust behavior and/or dress.  The same fules apply to participation in 8th Grade Week.


In the event that school will be closed, the Superintendent will announce the closure and information will be shared on our school and disctrict websites, social media accounts, and with local news outlets.  If schools are closed during the school day, buses will transport all bus riders to their usual stops.  Please make arrangements for someone to be home to meet your child.  Students who are normally picked up by parents will not be released until a parent has been contacted and that parent informs the school whether a family member or friend will pick up the child.

In the event of an emergency school closure, parents/guardians will be contacted using our Emergency Call System.  In order for families to be contacted, they must have a current and accurate telephone number in our system.  It is critical that parents notify our front office of any changes to phone numbers.


Each student’s teacher advisor is his/her homeroom teacher.  Homeroom time is twenty four minutes daily, with a 30 minute extension for PBIS class on occasion for coaching time. PBIS classes provide skills and information for students to do well in middle school and beyond. Focuses for this year may include:  

  • SBM Procedures and Expectations
  • Special homeroom activities
  • Voting
  • Second Step Program, which includes, but is not limited to:
  • Ways to Prevent Bullying, understanding and appreciating differences, and it also includes a variety of other life skills.  
  • The RULER approach to emotional literacy
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
  • Career Activities
  • Study Skills
  • Study Hall

Much of the learning material is part of the students’ agenda books; thus, again, it is imperative that students have these daily.   PBIS Life Skills classes will expose students to the study of various life skills.  


Students who stay after school for meetings, practices, activities, etc. must have made prior arrangements for pickup at the appropriate time.  Failure to do so may result in a student’s elimination from future participation in after school activities.  Students in middle school are expected to be more responsible for communicating their schedules with their parents.  If a student is absent or suspended from school, he/she is not allowed to participate in school sponsored activities after school during the days absent/suspended.  Students are not to be checked out early to prepare for any after school function or activity.


St. Bernard Middle recognizes that parent/family involvement is essential as we partner to educate our students and prepare them for life-long learning.  Together, families working alongside our school educators, we can support student learning and growth.

It is our intention to cultivate and support active family involvement through a number of different ways:                                                                                                                      1.  SchoolStatus:  An Easier Way to Connect With Us                                                                                                                                                                                         Starting with the 2020-2021 school year, our educators will begin using a new platform called SchoolStatus to connect with parents.  This means that all teachers, counselors, and administrators throughout our district will be reaching out using this new communications tool.  This will replace individual teachers' need to create separate RemindApp or ClassDojo accounts.  Here are a few answers to some common questions:   

  • Do I need to download an app?  No.  Calls and texts may come from a number you don't recognize, but that is your direct line to the educator contacting you.
  • If I respond to a text, who gets the message?  The educator who contacted you!  You're not responding to an entire group.  It's a 1:1 message.
  • If I miss a call, can I call the number back?  Yes!  You may leave a message for the educator who called, or text that same number and know you'll reach the educator who called you.
  • How does the system know my phone number or email?  SchoolStatus will utilize the contact information in the school's student system.  It is critical that your phone number and email address are accurate and up-to-date.  Please contact your school secretary if your contact information has changed.                                                                                                                                                                    

School and District Websites                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Our school and district websites provide families the most up-to-date information regarding school operations, school and district policies, upcoming events, and announcements.  You can find our school website by visiting                                                                                                                                                                                      Teachers will also be posting important information regarding assignments, tests, class resources, and other helpful reminders and announcements to their Teacher Web Pages.  You can find your child's teacher web page by visiting the "Teachers" channel on our school website.                                                                                                                                           2.  Periodic Newsletter/Monthly Calendar:  At the beginning of each month, a letter and calendar will be sent home with students informing parents of the month's events.                       3.  Students' Agenda Books:  Parents are to check their child's agenda book nightly for assignments and any notes from teachers.  It is imperative that parents sign the agenda book in the appropriate place each night.  Parent signature informs the teachers of parental awareness of the lesson assignments.  Parents may also write notes to teachers in this book.           4.  Progress Reports:  A progress report is issued to each student mid-way through each nine-week period.  They are to be signed by the parent and returned to the homeroom teacher within three days from being issued.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5.  Report Card Conference Night:  The first nine-week report card is issued directly to the parent on this night.  This is an important opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teachers and discuss his/her progress.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       6.  Parent-Teacher Conferences:  Parents need not wait until a problem has developed before making an appointment to speak with their child’s teacher(s).  They should get to know the teachers and feel free to ask questions about any phase of the curriculum.  The home and the school must work together to provide what is best for each student.                                     7.  Parent-Administrative Conference: Any student or parent having a complaint or grievance concerning a student should first contact the school to make an appointment with the teacher(s).  If further attention is necessary, contact the counselor or assistant principal.  The principal should address the more serious problems.  The administration is always open to matters concerning students.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8.  Parent Teacher Club: Parents are invited to join the PTC and to volunteer their time and talents by participating in the many school functions and programs throughout the school year. Taking part in the PTC and school activities is an excellent opportunity to show your interest in your child’s education.  Children tend to be more motivated in their education when parents are involved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9.  If a parent/guardian has any questions/concerns, please call and schedule a meeting with an administrator.  They will be happy to help remedy any situation.


St. Bernard Middle may impose certain student fees or charges to help offset special costs incurred in the operation of specific classrooms or subjects.  Generally, students should not be denied or delayed admission nor denied access to any curricular instructional activity due to failure or inability of their parent or guardian to pay a fee.  Report cards and other academic records cannot be withheld for failure to pay a fee pursuant to state law.

A full copy of our Student Fees, Fines and Charges policy can be found on the school and district website by visiting

A student or his/her parent or legal guardian may request and receive a waiver of payment of a fee due to economic hardship.  Completed waivers and the corresponding documentation must be submitted to your student's school principal.  For families with students in multiple schools, separate waivers and documentation must be provided at each school.  Families with multiple students at the same school can complete one waiver.  The form must be completed yearly during enrollment, registration, or orientation.  Please note that the waiver will be applied to fees associated with curricular activities only.  Fees associated with extracurricular activities are not covered by the waiver.


Field trips are offered to students throughout the year.  These field trips have an academic focus.  End-of-year field trips may be incentive based.  Students must meet certain academic and conduct guidelines in order to attend.  Students cannot possess any debt at the time of the field trip and/or have 3 suspensions.  It is requested that parents do not check students out early upon returning from a field trip.  Students must return a signed permission note before attending any field trip.  Students must dress appropriately and should represent themselves and the school in a positive manner.


Fire and/or tornado drills are conducted periodically, so students will be prepared in the event of a disaster.  During these drills, students must remain absolutely quiet and follow the instructions of the teacher.


Assemblies are held throughout the school year and may include special presentations, awards ceremonies, pep rallies, and guest speakers.  Conduct in the assembly area must be courteous and orderly.  Strict attention should be given to all speakers.  Appropriate audience response is expected.


Students are screened for the gifted and/or talented program through our special education department.  These students meet once a week with their GT teacher.  Students are responsible for various projects that promote higher-order thinking skills, with a main focus in ELA and math.


A student’s nine-week grades are averaged for a final grade for the year.  The student’s final average must be equivalent to at least one quality point in order to pass the subject.  However, if a student receives an “F” in the fourth nine-weeks and an “F” for any one of the other three grading periods, the final grade will be an “F”, no matter how many quality points are earned.  This policy is designed to ensure a consistent effort by students throughout the school year.


1st     2nd     3rd     4th     Final                                                                                                                                                                                                                               A        A        F         F        F                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A        F        A         F        F                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   F        A        A         F        F

Quality points breakdown:

A = 4    B = 3    C=2    D=1    F=0

Students who receive an “F” in any one or two promotional subjects (reading language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies) will be required to attend and pass Summer Skills Intervention (SSI). Students who receive an “F” in any three promotional subjects will be retained at their present grade level.

The grading scale for regular coursework and assessments is:

A= 93-100

B= 85-92

C= 75-84               

D= 67-74

F= 0-66 

The grading scale for 9-week benchmark assessments is:

A = 88.50-100

B = 77.5-88.49

C = 60.50-77.49

D = 40.50-60.49

F = 0.00-40.49

*Subject to change per district’s discretion.

Each component of a grade per core subject is:

Homework   15% 

Classwork  20%

Assessments 40%

Benchmark (Exams) 25%

(Physical Education consists of: participation, dress-out, and exams)


The St. Bernard Parish School Board issues the "Guide to Student Conduct."  This guide describes the discipline policies and dress codes mandated by the School Board.  Included in the guide is information on proper school bus behavior and the parish's student sexual harassment policy.  Parents must be sure to sign the necessary release pages in the front of this document.  These pages indicate that the parent and child have read the guide and have noted its contents.  This form is collected by the homeroom teachers and sent to the office.


Gum chewing is not permitted anywhere on the school premises and is considered a disciplinary infraction.  Careless disposal of gum is unsightly and unsanitary, causes cleaning problems, and necessitates costly repairs.  Thus, chewing gum will result in an automatic administrative detention.


Each student MUST rent his/her own hall locker.  The rental fee is $5.00.  The sharing of hall lockers is NOT permitted.  Likewise, students are not to share their combination with anyone.  Money and valuables should never be placed in hall lockers.  The school is not responsible for items lost or stolen from lockers.  Students may go to their lockers ONLY at the following times:  before homeroom, before lunch, and after school.


No student will be allowed out of class unless he/she has an agenda book with the pass page marked or a hall pass properly filled out by a teacher.  When a student requests to leave the room, he/she must get the pass page in the agenda book filled out by the teacher.  When a faculty member makes a request for a student to leave class, the teacher will provide a written pass.  The agenda book pass is only used when the student requests to leave the classroom.  Students are to use the restroom before school, during lunch time, during change of classes, or after school.  Only during an extreme emergency or if the student has a doctor or parent note properly authorized by the office will a student be allowed to go to the restroom during class time.  In this case, a student will have his/her agenda book pass page signed.  See the back section of agenda for pass page.  


A homework assignment relevant to the objectives taught will be assigned four nights a week in all required courses.  Occasionally, homework will be assigned on the weekend.  This may occur during Benchmarks (exams), long-term projects, or make-up work.  The assignments should generally not exceed more than 10-15 minutes per subject each night.  Students are expected to complete all assignments.  A nine-week cumulative homework grade will be averaged in each subject area to produce a final nine-week grade.


Students earn honor roll status by:

1)      Principal's Honor Roll: earning an “A” in all subjects and an “A” or "B" in conduct

2)      Merit Honor Roll: earning an “A” or “B” in all subjects and an “A” or “B” in conduct                                                                                                                                                     ***Honor roll is awarded to students who have met above requirements.  Grade point average (GPA) is an average of the quality points accrued in a 9 weeks or overall.


The honors program offers qualified students a more intensive and challenging course of study.  Each honor student’s academic progress is reviewed each nine weeks to determine continued placement.  The criteria for 6th and 7th grade placement is:

1)      A final grade of “B” or better in math and/or language arts and

2)      Recommendation by their teachers

The placement of 8th grade students in English I for high school credit is determined at the end of each school year.  For this year, placement was determined by:

1)      A final grade of “B” or better in an honors class and/or

2)      Teacher recommendation

The placement of 8th grade students in Algebra I for high school credit is determined at the end of each school year.  For this year, placement was determined first by:

1)      A projected final grade of “B” or better in an honors class

2)      Pass an entrance exam and/or

3)      Teacher recommendation

Then:  the passing of a State Algebra pre-test.

Placement of students in English I and/or Algebra I are probationary pending student performance during the first and second nine-week grading periods.


If a student becomes ill while in class, the teacher will notify the main office and the parent will be called.  The student will remain in class until the parent arrives.  If the situation requires additional attention, the student will be escorted to the main office or to the nurse's office.


The library will be open during specifically designated times and during the second half of lunch.  At these times, students are allowed in the library to read, study, or access the internet.  During regular class periods, students must have a pass and a specific task in order to visit the library.  Students will visit the library for informational research activities through their ELA classes.  Students may check out two books at a time.  If more than two books are needed, special permission must be obtained.  Most books may be kept for a period of two weeks and renewed once unless otherwise arranged.  When returning books, it is important for students to drop them in the signified location. Books may be returned at any time with teacher permission. Students may use the “drop box” and do not need to wait until a scheduled library day to return books.  It is the student’s responsibility to see that books are returned on time. 


All personal articles should be labeled with the student’s first and last name.  Students may look for lost articles in the “lost & found” area located in the Office of Student Services.  This should be done before the morning bell, at lunch, or after school.   Periodically, unclaimed items will be donated to a charity or other organization.


Students should be present and silent in respect for the morning announcements.  At this time, important information is given to the students for sports, clubs, awards, lunch, etc.  Additionally, during homeroom announcements, students will read for 10 uninterrupted minutes.  This is known as Silent Sustained Reading.  Students should read and then will be given two minutes to complete a summary and reflection sheet daily.


Students should be present in the cafeteria in the morning by 7:55.  At that time, students will be greeted by either the principal or the assistant principal and given instructions for dismissal after a few announcements.


Home Access Center:  Quick Access to Students Grades, Attendance and Schedules                                                                                                                                                      Parents may utilize the Home Access Center by visiting or visiting our school or district websites.  The Home Access Center (HAC) will give parents access to current infomation regarding your child's schedule, attendance, class work, interim progress report, report card grades, test scores and registration information.


Students are allowed to use the restroom before homeroom, between classes, at lunch, and after school.  In the case of an emergency, teachers will use their discretion in allowing students to leave class to go.  Additionally, if students abuse this privilege, they may be subjected to disciplinary action.  If a student has a special case, a doctor's note must be presented to the school and a copy will be stapled into the student's daily planner for the duration of the specified time period.


In the event that your child is issued a Chromebook, hard cover textbook, a library book, a calculator, or other school materials for a student's borrowed use, it must be well cared for.  All school materials issued to students are the student's and parent's responsibility.  If any materials are lost or damaged, a replacement price will be determined based on the condition of said item.  This will be determined by administration.  It should be noted that students are responsible to have appropriate materials with them at appropriate times.  Inventory checks may be conducted periodically.  This does include the agenda book, which must be with students at all times.                                                                                                                AGENDA BOOK COST:  All students must have this at all times.                                                                                                                                                                                Replacement cost:  $10.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Springboard Text/Work Book:  Students must have for math and English classes at all times.  The replacement cost for this text/work book is $50.


St. Bernard Middle utilizes Facebook to communicate with our families and community.  Please be sure to "like" our school and district Facebook page to get the latest information about what is happening within our schools.


The head coach of each sport is designated by the administration to run the team as he/she sees fit and he/she makes the final decision of who makes the team and who starts at each position. Additionally, all team members are held to a high standard of discipline and conduct. Spectators at all sporting events are expected to show respect to the players, school, and officials as well. If these standards are not met, spectatators may be asked to leave an event and/or students may be removed from all athletic activities.


*Depending on The State Department of Education, this may change. However, all students should be prepared to take state testing at the middle school level for the core area subjects.


Cell phones are not allowed to be powered on or used in anyway while on our campus. According to the Guide to Student Conduct, “Unauthorized use of electronic telecommunications devices” are a class II offense and are grounds for disciplinary action and/or confiscation of said device.

Students are responsible for their own behavior when communicating with social media and will be held accountable for the content of the communications that they state/post on social media outlets. Use good judgment. Students may not disrupt the learning atmosphere, educational programs, school activities, and the rights of others. If any students are found in violation of this, they could be subject to disciplinary action.


Insurance is offered by a reliable company to each student.  $35 is charged which covers the cost of the policy for the school year.  Students who are involved in extra-curricular activities are REQUIRED to carry student insurance.  Additionally, students who play sports are required to pay a $20 equipment fee FOR EACH SPORT IN WHICH THEY PARTICIPATE.


The student of the Year Awards Program is designed to recognize outstanding 8th grade students.  This program is a great way for our school to celebrate those students who have demonstrated excellent academic achievements, leadership ability, and citizenship.                                                                                                                                                      In order to be considered, a student must at minimum meet the following criteria:       

  • Student G.P.A. 6th through 8th grade must be in the top 15% of the class and be no less than a 3.1
  • LEAP test scores must demonstrate proficiency at grade level
  • Student conduct embodies the school culture and values
  • Student should be involved in extracurricular activities inside or outside of school

St. Bernard Middle's Student of the Year process begins in the early fall.  Students who are nominated will participate in an interview and essay writing process.                                        If there is a dispute regarding the selection of a candidate, please contact your school principal directly.   


ACADEMIC GAMES:  Players compete in four education-based games:  Onsets and Equations games based on mathematics, Presidents is history-based, and Propaganda is based on the analysis of language.  These games enrich academic studies and teach higher-level thinking skills.  Local and national competition is available for dedicated players.                                  ART CLUB:  The art club is open to all students, not only to those who take art class as an elective.  Students display art projects at the Spring Art Festival and throughout the school building.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ATHLETICS:  Activities are offered to both boys and girls.  Organized competitive sports for girls include volleyball, basketball, and softball.  Organized sports for boys include football, basketball, and baseball.  A mixed league for boys and girls is open for soccer and swimming.                                                                                                                                      BAND:  Membership is open to all students through their elective choice of band class.  Students must start in the beginner band class and may progress to advanced band.  Performance opportunities include the Christmas and Spring concerts, parades, home-based football games, and pep rallies.  Band members are required to attend all after-school practices and performances.  Participation will reflect on students' report card grades.                                                                                                                                                                      CHEERLEADERS:  The cheerleading squad is an elite group that promotes school spirit and is open to all students who meet audition requirements.  Cheerleaders perform at sports events, parades, and other school functions.  Tryouts are held at the end of each school year.  High standards of conduct and academic grades are expected and must be maintained.        DANCE TEAM:  The dance team is open to all students who meet audition requirements.  Tryouts are held at the end of each school year.  Dancers perform at sports events, parades, and other school functions.  High standards of conduct and academic grades are expected and must be maintained.                                                                                                      DRAMA CLUB:  The Drama Club offers students the opportunity to learn about the components of stage performances and to apply their behind stage/on stage skills.  The club will present a play for the students and the school community.                                                                                                                                                                                          EAGLE AMBASSADORS:  The St. Bernard Middle School Eagle Ambassadors Club is St. Bernard Middle's "super club."  It is one that provides many opportunities for students to take on leadership roles and affords them the opportunity to hone their communcation and networking skills.  SBM Eagle Ambassadors serve as the school's Student Council, a representative structure for students, through which they can become involved in the afffairs of the school, working in partnership with school administration, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.  SBM Eagle Ambassadors serve as the school's PBIS Teens, a structure for students, through which they help to carry out the school's mission statement, and assist in carrying out the school's Positive Behavior Interventions and Support Action Plan.                                                                                                                                            4-H CLUB:  This is a service organization.  The club provides help to others when needed.  Members of the club participate in projects sponsored by Louisiana Cooperative Extension, such as the bicycle rodeo, the pet show, and the FCLT camp.                                                                                                                                                                                      JR. BETA CLUB:  The purpose for Jr. Beta is to encourage effort and reward merit among students and to promote those qualities of character that represent good citizenship in the school community.  Membership consists of students in all grades who maintain at least A/B Honor Roll with zero class II referrals.  They are selected based on worthy character, academic standing, credible achievement, and commendable attitude.                                                                                                                                                                                      LIBRARY CLUB:  Members learn about the functions of the library and assist in carrying out those functions.  Students must maintain quality conduct and academic standards.                MAJORETTES:  This performing group promotes school spirit by performing at home football games, parades, and other school functions and is open to all students who meet audition requirements.  Tryouts are held each year.  High standards of conduct and academic grades are expected and must be maintained.                                                                                SPIRIT CLUB:  Members of the Spirit Club promote school spirit throughout the year.  This club sponsors competition among grade levels, such as the loudest cheering group at a pep rally.  This club also sponsors the Annual Title competition which includes a dance.  Members are expected to maintain quality conduct and academic standards.


The 8:00 a.m. bell is the start of the school day and students must be seated in homeroom by then. Thus, students who arrive on campus at 8 a.m. are already tardy. A 7:45-7:55 a.m. arrival is recommended. Students cannot arrive on campus before 7:35. If a student arrives on campus after the homeroom bell, he/she must report WITH A PARENT to the Main Office.  The student will be given a tardy slip stating the time of arrival.  The student must present the signed slip to his/her currently scheduled class. Habitually tardy students will be subject to disciplinary actions.

 Disciplinary Actions for Tardiness:

1st  Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Warning

3rd Offense: Lunch Detention

4th Offense: Phone Communication

5th Offense: Administrative Detention

6th Offense: Student Conference

7th Offense: Parent Conference

8th Offense: Saturday Detention

9th Offense: Truancy Report

10th Offense: Suspension


Technology is an integral part of educating the students; therefore, we put a great deal of money and resources to make sure we have the best equipment.  If any of the equipment is damaged (computers, iPads, haeadphones, calculators, etc.), students will be held financially accountable for the damages.


Twice a year, selected students are recognized for their efforts as a “Terrific Teen.”  These students are chosen by their teachers and awarded a gift and certificates in recognition of their unique qualities.  Sponsors of “Terrific Teen” are Chalmette Refining, L.L.C. and Kiwanis Club of St. Bernard/Arabi.  St. Bernard Middle’s Terrific Teens will celebrate with the sponsors, school board guests, school administrators, and parents at a ceremony.


It is the policy of the St. Bernard Parish School Board to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in all activities, programs, and employment practices of the school district.  A copy of the complaint process, any questions or complaints concerning sex discrimination should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator, at the St. Bernard Parish School Board, 200 E. St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, LA or call 504-301-2000.


Students need written permission from parents to ride any bus other than their assigned bus.  The main office will verify the note by phone. After proper phone verification is made, the principal or assistant principal must sign the note. Then the student may pick the note up from the main office before boarding the bus. Additionally, students are not allowed to leave in any vehicle with anyone other than the authorized driver unless written permission is presented and approved.  Students who refuse to obey bus safety rules and regulations may be suspended and/or lose transportation privileges.


Parents or visitors must secure permission from the main office before entering any other part of the building. Please enter the building at the main entrance and secure a visitor’s pass from the main office. 


On campus, outside of the allowed lunch time, students are permitted to have only water in a clear container.  Students are NOT permitted to have soda, tea, or any other liquid.  Students are also not permitted to have any container housing water that is not clear.


If it becomes necessary to withdraw a student from school, the main office should be notified several days prior to the actual day of withdrawal.  When requested by the principal of the new school, report cards, health records, and grade sheets (if the student has been present ten days of the grading period) will be sent.  However, no records will be sent until all debts are paid.

We, as an administration and staff, look forward to having you at St. Bernard Middle School.  We encourage you to do your best and live by the Eagle Code daily.